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                Contact us
                Shanghai Youpeng Electromechanical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                Fax: 021-69024199
                Contact: Mr.Peng 
                Mobile: 15021113195
                E-mail: 502752248@qq.com
                Address: No. 999, Zhongfa Road, Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai


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                Daily maintenance of the transformer!

                Release date:2018-12-20 17:12:31
                In order to protect the insulation performance of the high-voltage generator and the insulating oil installed in the machine head, generally do not open the observation window and loosen the surrounding fixing screws to prevent the oil from absorbing moisture or falling dust and reducing the insulation performance.
                2. Check the surrounding lighting, heat dissipation and dust removal equipment of the transformer, and wipe off the dust on the low-frequency toroidal transformer body and the porcelain bottle with a clean cloth.
                3. Check the high-voltage side load switch of the transformer to ensure flexible operation, good contact, and lubrication treatment of the transmission part.
                4. Pull open the high-voltage grounding knife and check that the grounding is in the disconnected position. Close the high-voltage load switch, let the transformer test run, and remove the high-voltage side identification plate. Pay attention to the high-voltage load switch when disconnecting or closing the transformer. There must be more than two people.
                5. When it is necessary to replace the new oil, the local power department should be assisted to check the performance of the new oil, and the insulation strength should be no less than 25000 volts / 2.5 mm; and the oil insulation strength in the combined head should be 30,000 volts / 2.5 mm or more.
                6. Measure the insulation resistance of the high and low voltage coils of the transformer (ground and phase) with a 2500V shaker. Confirm that the requirements are met. (At room temperature 30 °C, the high voltage side of the 1OKV ??transformer is greater than 20MΩ, and the low voltage side is greater than 13MΩ. Before the test, it should be connected. Good grounding wire, after the measurement is completed, it should be discharged.
                7. The high voltage generator or the combined machine head must have a good grounding wire. Always use an ohmmeter to measure whether the outer casing, the console casing, and the outer grounding wire are conducting, and tighten the grounding bolt.
                8. The high voltage generator or the combined machine head must have a good grounding wire. Always use an ohmmeter to measure whether the outer casing, the console casing and the external grounding wire are conducting, and tighten the grounding bolt.

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