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                Contact us
                Shanghai Youpeng Electromechanical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                Fax: 021-69024199
                Contact: Mr.Peng 
                Mobile: 15021113195
                E-mail: 502752248@qq.com
                Address: No. 999, Zhongfa Road, Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai


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                Fault diagnosis method for switching power supply transformer[2018-12-20] Fault diagnosis method for switching power supply transformer

                Switching power supply transformer is a kind of transformer we usually use. The following is its fault repair method. I hope to help you: (1) Discharge and sparking: Generally, the discharge spark observed in the external appearance is caused by dirt and in...

                [2018-12-20] Daily maintenance of the transformer!

                In order to protect the insulation performance of the high-voltage generator and the insulating oil installed in the machine head, generally do not open the observation window and loosen the surrounding fixing screws to prevent the oil from absorbing moisture ...

                [2018-12-20] Transformer expertise

                1. What is a transformer? In an AC circuit, the device that raises or lowers the voltage is called a transformer. The transformer can convert any value of the voltage into the voltage value we need at the same frequency to meet the requirements of the trans...

                [2018-12-20] How to calculate the capacity of the transformer

                1. According to the actual needs of electricity consumption, the total apparent power PS of the transformer is obtained, and when the secondary side is multi-winding, the total apparent power is the sum of the apparent powers of the secondary windings:PS=U2 I2...

                [2018-12-20] Isolation transformer

                The company has strong technical force, advanced production equipment, high level of product technology, testing equipment, strict enterprise management and reliable product quality. The research, design and production of isolation transformers have been for m...

                [2018-12-20] Transformer manufacturing principle and application and parameter analysis

                A transformer is a device that converts alternating voltage, current, and impedance. When an alternating current is passed through the primary coil, an alternating magnetic flux is generated in the iron core (or core) to induce a voltage (or current) in the se...

                [2018-12-20] Transformer principle and main parameters

                1. The working principle of the transformer When a converter current U1 is applied to the primary winding, I0 flows in, and thus an alternating magnetic flux &phi; is excited in the core, and the magnetic flux &phi; is also entangled with the secon...

                [2018-12-20] Application of plastic nylon rod in transformer

                Application of plastic nylon rods in transformers: Transformers are important electrical components that function to change voltage, transfer voltage, transfer power, and impedance matching. The plastic nylon rod is characterized by good heat resistance, good ...

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