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                11 points that must be paid attention to when installing the transformer[2018-12-20] 11 points that must be paid attention to when installing the transformer

                1. Reasonably choose the installation location of the distribution transformer:The installation of the distribution transformer should meet the requirements of the users voltage, and try to avoid installing the distribution transformer in the barren hills, whi...

                [2018-12-20] What are the functional characteristics of the transformer?

                Transformers are used in electrical equipment and wireless circuits. Transformers are often used for lifting voltage, matching impedance, and safety isolation. In the generator, whether the coil motion passes through the fixed coil through the magnetic field o...

                [2018-12-20] What should be paid attention to in the design of high frequency transformer skeleton?

                When designing the structure of the high-frequency transformer, it should be based on the drawings or samples provided by the customer, plus its own design experience, try to design the model in 3D, avoid the defects of 2D drawing and modification, and then gr...

                [2018-12-20] The capacity selection of the transformer should be reasonable

                If the capacity of the transformer is too large, it will not only increase the initial investment, but also make the transformer run at no load or light load for a long time, so that the proportion of no-load loss increases, the power factor decreases, and the...

                [2018-12-20] Test transformer type

                Transformers have their own test, called test transformers, which can be divided into inflatable, oil-immersed, dry and other test transformers, which are used by power plants, power supply bureaus and research institutes. The basic test equipment for the with...

                [2018-12-20] Analysis of the voltage ratio of the transformer

                The number of turns of the two sets of transformers is N1 and N2, N1 is the primary and N2 is the secondary. An alternating voltage is applied to the primary coil, and an induced electromotive force is generated at both ends of the secondary coil. When N2N1, t...

                [2018-12-20] The embodiment of transformer market competition

                The competition in the transformer market is mainly in two aspects. From the users point of view, it is the performance and quality of the product. From the perspective of the industry, it is the cost control. The two aspects are complementary. At present, use...

                [2018-12-20] Common faults and daily inspections and maintenance of large transformers

                The specific reasons for causing a transformer to explode are generally the following:1. Winding insulation damage causes a short circuit, causing a fire or explosion accident(1) Winding insulation aging, deterioration, and insulation strength are reduced. In ...

                [2018-12-20] Representative meaning of transformer letters and numbers

                The role of the transformer-related symbols, and the relevant transformer model is generally composed of letters and a string of numbers, so what is the difference between these letters and numbers? In general, the transformer model consists of a symbol indica...

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