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                Contact us
                Shanghai Youpeng Electromechanical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                Fax: 021-69024199
                Contact: Mr.Peng 
                Mobile: 15021113195
                E-mail: 502752248@qq.com
                Address: No. 999, Zhongfa Road, Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai


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                The embodiment of transformer market competition

                Release date:2018-12-20 17:13:54
                The competition in the transformer market is mainly in two aspects. From the user's point of view, it is the performance and quality of the product. From the perspective of the industry, it is the cost control. The two aspects are complementary. At present, users have higher and higher requirements for performance such as transformer loss. Because power companies must control operating costs, the loss of power transmission equipment is required to be as low as possible; in addition, the cost of the product is often increased while reducing the unit loss of the product.
                In recent years, the demand for cost control in the energy industry worldwide has been increasing. Whether in developed or developing countries, the requirements for energy consumption are increasing in the future. Therefore, energy saving and consumption reduction of transformers should be a major trend. In general, China's transformer manufacturing companies are at the forefront of international research and development in energy-saving transformers. Both the government and transformer manufacturing companies are paying more and more attention.

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